Acta Meteorologica Sinica(English edition)is an international academic journal in atmosphericsciences edited by the Chinese Meteorological Society.published and distributed by China MeteorologicalPress.It has been acting as a bridge of academic exchange between Chinese and foreign meteorologists andaiming at the introduction of the current advancements in atmospheric sciences in China.Manuscripts and communications relative to editorial matters should be sent to the EditorialOffice of Acta Meteorologiea Sinica.China Meteorological Press,Beijing 100081,P.R.China.
2002: Information for Contributors. Journal of Meteorological Research, 16(4).
2002: Information for Contributors. Journal of Meteorological Research, 16(4).
2002: Information for Contributors. Journal of Meteorological Research, 16(4).
2002: Information for Contributors. Journal of Meteorological Research, 16(4).
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