The formation and development of radiation fog are studied by using a one-dimensional model.The results are as follows:(1)The fog can change the ambient wind and temperature fields,on the contrary,the ambient fields may also influence the fog;(2)The modeling fog forms initially at a certain level above the surface,which is detailedly explained in the paper;(3)Turbulence delays the formation of fog but promotes its development;(4)Whether fog liquid water content exchange coefficient equals momentum exchange coefficient has no influence on the numerical results.In addition,wind,temperature,exchange coefficient,and net radiative flux before and after the formation of radiation fog,are also studied.
Zhou Binbin. 1988: THE NUMERICAL MODELING OF RADIATION FOG. Journal of Meteorological Research, 2(2): 223-233.
Zhou Binbin. 1988: THE NUMERICAL MODELING OF RADIATION FOG. Journal of Meteorological Research, 2(2): 223-233.
Zhou Binbin. 1988: THE NUMERICAL MODELING OF RADIATION FOG. Journal of Meteorological Research, 2(2): 223-233.
Zhou Binbin. 1988: THE NUMERICAL MODELING OF RADIATION FOG. Journal of Meteorological Research, 2(2): 223-233.
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