A great deal of work has been done to perfect the theory first proposed by Charney and Eliassen.In this paper.we reexamine the theory and find out that the observational evidence does not support their assumption that the wind velocity in the lower layet does not change with height.An improved assumption based on the observation is proposed and its influence on the results of CISK theory such as stability and catastrophic feature is discussed.
Wu Rongsheng. 1988: SOME ASPECTS ON CISK THEORY. Journal of Meteorological Research, 2(2): 127-134.
Wu Rongsheng. 1988: SOME ASPECTS ON CISK THEORY. Journal of Meteorological Research, 2(2): 127-134.
Wu Rongsheng. 1988: SOME ASPECTS ON CISK THEORY. Journal of Meteorological Research, 2(2): 127-134.
Wu Rongsheng. 1988: SOME ASPECTS ON CISK THEORY. Journal of Meteorological Research, 2(2): 127-134.
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