Using NCEP circulation data and precipitation data in China, the influences of strong/weak summer monsoon over the South China Sea (SCS) on atmospheric circulation and climate anomalies are studied.Corresponding to the strong (weak) SCS summer monsoon, there are not only different summer precipitation patterns in eastern China, but also different atmospheric circulation patterns in the Northern Hemisphere.The anomaly of the SCS summer monsoon will excite the EPA teleconnection (wave-train) in the Northern Hemispheric atmosphere and lead to climate anomalies not only in East Asia but also in North America.It is still shown that there is interaction between the SSTA in the South China Sea and the SCS summer monsoon;but the influence of the SCS summer monsoon on SSTA in the South China Sea may be more fundamental.
LONG Zhenxia, PAN Jing, LI Chongyin. 2003: Influences of anomalous summer monsoon over the south china sea on climate variation. Journal of Meteorological Research, 17(S1): 118-129.
LONG Zhenxia, PAN Jing, LI Chongyin. 2003: Influences of anomalous summer monsoon over the south china sea on climate variation. Journal of Meteorological Research, 17(S1): 118-129.
LONG Zhenxia, PAN Jing, LI Chongyin. 2003: Influences of anomalous summer monsoon over the south china sea on climate variation. Journal of Meteorological Research, 17(S1): 118-129.
LONG Zhenxia, PAN Jing, LI Chongyin. 2003: Influences of anomalous summer monsoon over the south china sea on climate variation. Journal of Meteorological Research, 17(S1): 118-129.
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