This study investigates an abnormal artificially triggered lightning event that produced two positive
upward propagations: one during the initial stage (i.e., the upward leader (UL)) and the other after a
negative downward aborted leader (DAL). The triggered lightning was induced in a weak thunderstorm
over the experiment site and did not produce a return stroke. All of the intra-cloud lightning around the
experiment site produced positive changes in the electric field. The initial stage was a weak discharge
process. A downward dart leader propagated along the channel produced by the first UL, ending at a
height of approximately 453 m and forming a DAL. Under the influence of the DAL, the electric field at a
point located 78 m from the rod experienced a steady reduction of about 6.8 kV m-1 over 5.24 ms prior to
the initiation of a new upward channel (i.e., the second upward propagation (UP)). The second UP, which
started approximately 4.1 ms after the termination of the DAL and propagated along the original channel,
was triggered by the DAL and sustained for approximately 2.95 ms. Two distinct current pulses were
superimposed on the current of the second UP. The first pulse, which was related to the sudden initiation
of the second UP, was characterized by a more rapid increase and decrease and a larger peak value than the
second pulse, which was related to the development of the second UP into the area affected by the DAL.
The second UP contained both a similar-to-leader process and a following neutralization process. This study
introduces a new type of triggering leader, in which a new upward discharge is triggered in an established
channel by an aborted leader propagating along the same channel with opposite polarity and propagation
ZHENG Dong, ZHANG Yijun, LU Weitao, ZHANG Yang, DONG Wansheng, CHEN Shaodong, DAN Jianru. 2012: Optical and Electrical Observations of an Abnormal Triggered Lightning Event with two Upward Propagations. Journal of Meteorological Research, 26(4): 529-540.
ZHENG Dong, ZHANG Yijun, LU Weitao, ZHANG Yang, DONG Wansheng, CHEN Shaodong, DAN Jianru. 2012: Optical and Electrical Observations of an Abnormal Triggered Lightning Event with two Upward Propagations. Journal of Meteorological Research, 26(4): 529-540.
ZHENG Dong, ZHANG Yijun, LU Weitao, ZHANG Yang, DONG Wansheng, CHEN Shaodong, DAN Jianru. 2012: Optical and Electrical Observations of an Abnormal Triggered Lightning Event with two Upward Propagations. Journal of Meteorological Research, 26(4): 529-540.
ZHENG Dong, ZHANG Yijun, LU Weitao, ZHANG Yang, DONG Wansheng, CHEN Shaodong, DAN Jianru. 2012: Optical and Electrical Observations of an Abnormal Triggered Lightning Event with two Upward Propagations. Journal of Meteorological Research, 26(4): 529-540.
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