With the high-speed development of high-powered computer techniques, it is possible that a highresolution and multi-scale unified numerical model is applied to the operational weather prediction. Some techniques about mesoscale non-hydrostatic numerical weather prediction are addressed, and the impact of the vertical coordinate system is one of them. Based on WRF (Weather Research and Forecasting) model,the influence of vertical coordinates on the non-hydrostatic mesoscale high-resolution model is compared.
The results show that the error of various coordinates in lower levels is almost same when we use the geometry height (z) and the pressure (p) to set up a terrain-following coordinate; but the error of the height terrain-following coordinate in higher levels is smaller than that of the pressure terrain-following coordinate.The higher the resolution is, the bigger the error will be. The results of the high-resolution simulation exhibited that the trend of the di erence in the two coordinates existed. In addition, the correlative coeficient and standard error are also analysed by the comparison between the forecast fields and the corresponding
analysis fields.
LI Xingliang, CHEN Dehui. 2006: An Impact Study of the Vertical Coordinate on a Non-hydrostatic Mesoscale High-Resolution Model. Journal of Meteorological Research, 20(1): 39-49.
LI Xingliang, CHEN Dehui. 2006: An Impact Study of the Vertical Coordinate on a Non-hydrostatic Mesoscale High-Resolution Model. Journal of Meteorological Research, 20(1): 39-49.
LI Xingliang, CHEN Dehui. 2006: An Impact Study of the Vertical Coordinate on a Non-hydrostatic Mesoscale High-Resolution Model. Journal of Meteorological Research, 20(1): 39-49.
LI Xingliang, CHEN Dehui. 2006: An Impact Study of the Vertical Coordinate on a Non-hydrostatic Mesoscale High-Resolution Model. Journal of Meteorological Research, 20(1): 39-49.
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