The region of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei is covered by two different lightning detection networks: SAFIR (Systeme d'Alerte Fondre par Interferometrie Radioelecctrique) for total lightning, including IntraCloud (IC) flashes and Cloud-to-Ground (CG) flashes, and the ADTD (ADvanced TOA and Direction system; TOA denotes time of arrival) network of China for CG lightning. Fourteen isolated hail-bearing thunderstorms in this region were examined in this study, using the data of SAFIR and ADTD. The peak of lightning frequency, for both total lightning and CG lightning, was often observed in advance of the occurrence of hailstones on the ground, with a trend of a rapid increase of lightning frequency before the hail was reported. The average lead times of the two types of lightning jump before hail events were obtained (total lightning: 32.2 min; CG: 25.4 min) through the 2? lightning jump algorithm. Additionally, in hailstorms with a high ratio of positive CG flashes, the diameter of hail was larger and the duration of hail was longer; when negative CG flashes dominated, the diameter of hail was relatively small. The comparison of the characteristics of total lightning and CG flashes in hailstorms in this study is expected to serve as a supplementary tool for hail forecasting.
YAO Wen, ZHANG Yijun, MENG Qing, WANG Fei, LU Weitao. 2013: A Comparison of the Characteristics of Total and Cloud-to-Ground Lightning Activities in Hailstorms. Journal of Meteorological Research, 27(2): 282-293. DOI: 10.1007/s13351-013-0212-x
YAO Wen, ZHANG Yijun, MENG Qing, WANG Fei, LU Weitao. 2013: A Comparison of the Characteristics of Total and Cloud-to-Ground Lightning Activities in Hailstorms. Journal of Meteorological Research, 27(2): 282-293. DOI: 10.1007/s13351-013-0212-x
YAO Wen, ZHANG Yijun, MENG Qing, WANG Fei, LU Weitao. 2013: A Comparison of the Characteristics of Total and Cloud-to-Ground Lightning Activities in Hailstorms. Journal of Meteorological Research, 27(2): 282-293. DOI: 10.1007/s13351-013-0212-x
YAO Wen, ZHANG Yijun, MENG Qing, WANG Fei, LU Weitao. 2013: A Comparison of the Characteristics of Total and Cloud-to-Ground Lightning Activities in Hailstorms. Journal of Meteorological Research, 27(2): 282-293. DOI: 10.1007/s13351-013-0212-x
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